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bg Image of a hand of a person living with HAE holding a letter about their next HAE attack while hiking in the woods with a friend.

How would your patients advise themselves to treat their next HAE attack?

Even with prophylactic treatment, people living with HAE continue to experience attacks and face complex on-demand treatment decisions that lead to delays in treatment. 1-3

Read Patient Letters

How would your patients advise themselves to treat their next HAE attack?

Even with prophylactic treatment, people living with HAE continue to experience attacks and face complex on-demand treatment decisions that lead to delays in treatment. 1-3

Read Patient Letters

Real Stories
of Attack Burden

Join Dr. Burnette and patients living
with HAE
as they discuss the persistent
burden of HAE
and the variety
of reasons patients delay
avoid treatment.

Video preview thumbnail of Dr. Autumn Burnette, an HAE specialist, for a video about persistent burden while on prophylaxis

Hear from other HAE experts about encouraging
timely treatment of attacks, enhancing
communication between healthcare providers
and patients, and uncovering HAE facts.

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References: 1. Betschel S, van Kooten S, Heckmann M, Danese S, Goga L, Guilarte M. Remaining burden of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks despite modern long-term prophylaxis. Abstract presented at: EAACI 2023 Hybrid Congress, June 9-11, 2023; Hamburg, Germany. Allergy. In Press. 2. Betschel S, van Kooten S, Heckmann M, Danese S, Goga L, Guilarte M. HAE patients decision to carry on-demand treatment when away from home. Abstract presented at: 13th C1-inhibitor Deficiency & Angioedema Workshop, May 4-7, 2023; Budapest, Hungary. Allergy Asthma Clin Immunol. In Press. 3. Grumach A, van Kooten S, Heckmann M, Danese S, Goga L, Garcez T. Understanding the complex decision-making associated with on-demand treatment of hereditary angioedema (HAE) attacks. Abstract presented at: EAACI 2023 Hybrid Congress, June 9-11, 2023; Hamburg, Germany. Allergy. In Press. 4. Maurer M, Aberer W, Caballero T, et al. The Icatibant Outcome Survey: 10 years of experience with icatibant for patients with hereditary angioedema. Clin Exp Allergy. 2022;52:1048-1058. doi:10.1111/cea.14206 5. Soteres D, Grumach A, van Kooten A, Malloy N, Heckmann M, Ulloa J, Burnette A. Anxiety associated with refilling on-demand therapy for HAE attacks contributes to treatment delay and non-treatment. Abstract presented at: AAAAI 2024 Annual Meeting, February 23-26, 2024; Washington, DC. J Allergy Clin Immunol. In Press.

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